Diocesan Involvement

Trinity Episcopal Church in Kirksville is part of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. The Diocese covers approximately 54 counties in eastern and central Missouri. It contains 47 congregations and is in Province 5 of the Episcopal Church of the United States. Its cathedral, Christ Church Cathedral, is in St. Louis, as are the diocesan offices. The current bishop is The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith, Tenth Bishop of Missouri.

Shoes Collected for Shipment to South Sudan as Part of a Diocesan Initiative

Shoes Collected for Shipment to South Sudan as Part of a Diocesan Initiative

As part of the Diocese, Trinity participates in several ways.

  • Membership in the West Convocation. Trinity elects delegates to the Diocesan Convention who also serve as representatives to the Convocation. The convocations serve as a liaison between the Diocesan Council and the congregations.
  • Attendance at the Diocesan Convention. The Diocesan Convention meets annually to approve the annual diocesan financial plan and to make decisions concerning mission, vision and ministry of the diocese.
  • Attendance at various learning and fellowship opportunities provided by the Diocese.
  • Mission work in Lui, South Sudan. Three of our members traveled to South Sudan in 2012 and 2013 to assist with the work in the Diocese of Lui.

Trinity has had a representative on the following Diocesan Committees:

Delegates and Clergy at Diocesan Convention

Delegates and Clergy at Diocesan Convention

  • Delegates and Clergy at Diocesan Convention
  • Companion Diocese Committee
  • Dismantling Racism
  • Commission on Ministry
  • Diocesan Council