What’s Happening at Trinity – News for Friday, October 13, 2017

Upcoming Events:

  • Saturday, October 14, 11:45 am – Second Saturdays Yoga; Outreach Plate Offering Today for Episcopal Relief and Development – Hurricane Relief Fund
  • Sunday, October 15, 10:00am – Holy Eucharist
  • Tuesday, October 17, 1:30pm – Text Study and Noonday Prayer at Twin Pines
  • Tuesday, October 17, 5:30pm – Grief Support Group for Parents Who Have Lost Children
  • Wednesday, October 18, 7:30am – Morning Prayer
  • Sunday, October 15, 10:00am – Holy Eucharist
  • Friday, October 27, 5:00 pm – Episcopal Campus Ministry, Truman SUB
  • Saturday, October 28, 9:30am – Rescheduled Fall Cleanup Day

BibleWorship Leadership Schedules for Sunday

Acolyte         Krista Baker
Lector Joni Perry
Prayers of the People Jessie Cragg
Chalice Joanne Harwood
Hospitality Tim Baker
Bursars Natalie Alexander & Laura Gruber Harden

Amy’s Office Hours:  Amy will hold weekly “office” hours on Mondays from 10 am – 12 pm at Trinity, Tuesdays from 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm  at Sweet Espressions Coffee Shop and Wedensdays from 2 pm – 4 pm at Truman, either at Jazzman’s or in the Hub. You do not need an appointment for any of these times, just drop by. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call or text her at 815-901-3614.

Stewardship Campaign:  The Rev. Carla Guzman, rector of the Episcopal Church of St. Matthew and St. Timothy, a bilingual congregation in New York City, helped us understand how almsgiving, offerings, and tithes are different.  She explains that when someone has an immediate need and you reach in your wallet to help, what you give likely won’t make a long-term difference in your finances and makes you feel good.  That’s almsgiving. When you give once as an expression of appreciation for the talents and works of an organization, that’s an offering. You respond to the benefit or joy you’ve received. If you promise to support an effort from your whole income or overall resources, on a continuing basis, that’s a tithe or a pledge.  It does have an impact on your overall finances and it’s more than a one-time gift.  You’ve received one mailing from the stewardship campaign at Trinity (we hope) and you’ll soon have a pledge card to fill out for 2018.   We hope Rev. Guzman’s words help you think clearly about what you want to do.

Plate Offering:  This Sunday, October 15 – Hurricane Relief (Episcopal Relief and Development).  ERD works through local parishes and dioceses to provide assistance at the neighborhood level. In Orlando, hundreds of hourly workers lost jobs because of hurricane damage to property and power lines. Those families already relied on schools to provide lunches for children and on food pantries for suppers and weekend meals. Schools closed; pantries lost perishable goods and soon ran out of nonperishables. Community gardens were destroyed.  St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church Outreach Ministries, supported by ERD, worked with their partners to stock pantries to feed 5,000 families for the next four months, to rebuild community gardens to continue to feed 300 families monthly, and beefed up a Sunday morning breakfast program for 150 homeless people to feed 2,000 people for the next three months.  Your contribution to ERD makes a difference! Just put cash in the plate this Sunday or mark “ERD” on the memo line of your check.

Fall Cleanup: Fall cleanup has been rescheduled from Saturday (Oct 7) to Saturday (Oct 28), beginning at 9 a.m.  Please volunteer for an hour or more to help clean the church and grounds. Current forecast shows cloudy but mild weather for that day.

Second Saturdays Yoga:  Second Saturdays Yoga meets Saturday (Oct 14) at 11:45 a.m. in the undercroft.  $5 donation to the building fund.

Altar Guild:  Altar Guild is looking for new members. The Altar Guild is responsible for getting the altar ready for each service which includes changing the paraments if needed, getting the communion service ready, making sure there are flowers of some kind, straightening the pews and hymnals, vacuuming, putting everything away after the service, and other assorted tasks needed each Sunday. Extra duties occasionally include special services like those around Easter, and weddings and funerals if communion is being served. This is a necessary and rewarding ministry that takes about 45 minutes to an hour approximately once a month. Anyone interested (male or female!) can contact Amy or Wynne Wilbur martinewilbur@gmail.com.

Food Depot:  Our Food Depot items for October: Canned Fruit/Applesauce.

Lectionary Readings:

Isaiah 25:1-9
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:1-9
Matthew 22:1-14

The deadline for next week’s WHAT is Noon, Thursday, October 19.  Please send items to BOTH Kevin Minch at kevin.minch@gmail.com and Natalie Alexander at faymie@gmail.com so that any relevant updates may also be included in the bulletin insert. Please be mindful of the deadline when possible.  Thanks!