My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.
Isaiah 56:7 (NASB)
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
At Trinity Episcopal Church, we say “All are welcome” and want to do everything we can to show our sincerity in saying that. If you have questions or require accommodations you do not see below, please call 660-665-6155 and leave a message. Someone will return your call as soon as possible.
- Have accessible parking on Harrison Street.
- Have a gently sloping sidewalk leading up to our Harrison Street entrance and annex
- Have an annex with:
- Automatic doors,
- A wide stairway with railings on both sides and non-slip tread which accesses each level of our building,
- A lift which accesses each level of our building, and
- Three accessible unisex single-user bathrooms (one with a changing table).
- Have seating for people using wheelchairs in the front or rear of the congregation.
- Have lower lighting in our worship space, brighter fluorescent lighting throughout the rest of our building, and do not use flashing lights.
- Have bulletin inserts with the collect (a prayer), Bible readings, psalm for the day, prayers, and prayer list and other written materials like the Book of Common Prayer and our hymnals for people who like or need to follow along when listening.
- Have children’s bulletins.
- Regularly have an organ and/or piano, a choir, and some bells. We have other various acoustic instruments, including brass, on special occasions. We do not use amplification for instrumental or vocal music.
- Do not currently have a personal amplification system for our clergy or for those who read from the Bible or lectionary, read the prayers, or make announcements and are looking into getting one to assist those with hearing loss or to allow people in the nursery to be able to hear the service.
- Have invitations from clergy to sit, stand, or kneel as we are able during the service.
- Have spoken responses and sing but understand that not everyone is able to participate vocally and will participate in whatever way they can.
- Understand that not everyone is able to be quiet during the service. We welcome everyone to participate during the service and also have a nursery and other spaces available for those who are more comfortable stepping out of the service.
- Have hand sanitizer available in pews and we understand that some people must decline to shake hands in order to protect their health.
- Have communion on floor level in the front of the church (no need to climb stairs to the altar) or in our seats when we have made that request.
- Have clergy or Lay Eucharistic Ministers to pray with and bring communion to those of us who are in the hospital, a nursing home, another facility, or unable to leave our homes.
- Have gluten free communion wafers and have coffee hour selections that are gluten free and that are appropriate for toddlers.
- Do not use incense.
- Have intergenerational activities for special occasions.
- Have print and electronic communications.
- Have clergy office hours at church or in accessible locations in the community.
- Have a pastoral care committee which strives to meet our members’ other needs when they have made those needs known to clergy or committee members.
- Have a small transportation ministry to provide rides to church functions for our members.
- Have policies in place for the safety of children and vulnerable adults including policies against a single unrelated adult being alone with a child or vulnerable adult and against posting a child’s picture on the internet without parental permission.
We have sent representatives to the Community Engagement Conference, had an adult faith formation session on disabilities and People First Language, and are continually striving to be a more inclusive and integrated community of faith. We hope to welcome you soon!